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The pillows provided enormous scope for creativity, and allowed us to showcase the lighting in an extremely dramatic and flamboyant way. The end result is very exuberant, and quite deliberately so.
Adelaide Entertainment Centre lighting
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Australia

Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Motherwell FC, Scotland
Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Learn how Philips UV-C disinfection lighting is providing additonal protection for football players at Motherwell FC.
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Chelsea F.C.
London, UK
Chelsea F.C.
The installed LED pitch lighting meets the new stringent broadcast criteria of the English Premier League.
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Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Twickenham, UK
Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Learn how Philips UV-C upper air luminaires are helping to keep Harlequins players safe off the pitch.
Show moreWe are very excited about the possibilities that dynamic LED lighting brings to our breeding program.
Bejo Zaden
Kessel, The Netherlands
Bejo Zaden
Full light control per growth phase, resulting in multiple crop cycles per year and stronger, more vigorous plants by Philips LED lighting
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Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Philips UV-C air disinfection gave peace of mind to the Pomme D'Api school in Madrid, creating a secure interior environment without disturbing classroom dynamics.
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Yaizu, Japan
High-efficiency production of high quality vegetables supported by Philips LED lighting
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Castle Hill BMX Club at Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Castle Hill BMX Club at Sydney
Philips OptiVision LED installation at Castle Hill BMX Club enables safety, efficiency, greater flexibility for more business and reduced energy cost.
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UV-C in school classrooms
Amsterdam, Netherlands
UV-C in school classrooms
Virus inactivating UV-C technology helps to protect educators and students in schools.
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Venlo, Nederland
Brookberries from Venlo, The Netherlands, chooses Philips GreenPower LED toplighting for their new greenhouse
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Canadian Valley Growers
Aldergrove, British Columbia, CA
Canadian Valley Growers
Established in 1991, Canadian Valley Growers (CVG) specialises in growing vegetables, herbs and annuals
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GrowUp Urban Farms
United Kingdom
GrowUp Urban Farms
Growing the best herbs with amazing flavours all year round. We use Philips lighting because it’s got an amazing flavour.
Show moreLEDs should give us more precise climate control during each growing phase for better results
De Vreede Holland Case study
Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
De Vreede Holland Case study
More control over heat and light will help improve our services to customers
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