Grow strawberries with Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Grow strawberries with Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Brookberries Venlo


Venlo, The Netherlands

In an area of 20 hectares and spread across four greenhouses, Brookberries produces 2.5 million kilos of top-quality strawberries of various varieties each year. Two of these greenhouses are half-lit; one with traditional HPS lighting and the other with Philips GreenPower LED toplighting.

Brookberries director, Marcel Dings
Three cultivation cycles each year, instead of two. That makes a big difference in revenue. We are now able to deliver quality strawberries to consumers year round.
- Marcel Dings, Director Brookberries
Brookberries greenhouse grows strawberries all year round

The challenge

Brookberries wants to grow quality strawberries year round. This will require the very best lighting to achieve a predictable production process and higher yields. The company strives for a production process which meets both sustainable requirements as well as the demand for year-round production. This is why the company decided on Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamps in the past.

The right lighting

At the end of 2018, 6700 Philips GreenPower LED toplighting modules were installed In one of their greenhouses, thereby contributing to a constant production process and a predictable, high yield. The LED lighting makes it possible to have three cultivation cycles per year, instead of two cycles in unlit greenhouses. Even in months with little daylight there is a continuous growth process. The new toplighting gives better control of harvest times and for the growers, commercial partners and the consumers, this is a very desirable development which is in line with the societal and economic needs of the year-round availability of quality strawberries. 

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting delivers very high light output, while radiating much less heat than HPS toplighting.

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